David Greenfield is an educator, technologist and award winning artist. Currently an EdD candidate at the Pepperdine Univeersity Graduate School of Education and Psychology, where he is completing his doctoral dissertation about the use of graphcic novels in the classroom to talk about social justice, individual and community identity.
Greenfield is an ideator, innovator and collaborator with 25 years experience in educational technology in the corporate, academic and nonprofit sectors. He has successfully developed global and local multi-cultural learning environments, designed and deployed innovative formal and informal technology-based educational initiatives, and is an accomplished and inspirational public speaker and presenter.
Select Presentations
• 2016- Pow! Zap! You got an A! Comics in the classroom. Panel moderator at 2016 Stan Lee's Comikaze
• 2016- Diversity in comics. Panel participant, 2016 Long Beach Comic Con
• 2013- Major mayhem or a marvelous match? An introduction to museums and MOOC. Presented at Future Salon LA, Santa Monica, CA
• 2012- STEM, STEAM, & Collaboration. Presentation, Pepperdine University OMET/MALT Alumni Conference (Masters of Arts, Educational Technology and Learning Technologies), Malibu, CA.
• 2011- Art and Visualization: Bringing Innovation into the Classroom. Moderated panel at EduSoCal’11, Long Beach, CA.
• 2009- The Key Game Dance. Respondent with Smiarowski, K.,at Social Action: Memory, Performance and the Holocaust. Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, CA
• 2009- Reframing the lens on stage and screen: Old and new media approaches to mediated theatres, from Shakespeare on BBC2 to Performances in “Second Life.” Respondent to keynote at Comparative Drama Conference, with Liz Goodman, Los Angeles, CA.
• 2009- Web 2.0: Create, Share, Learn. Co-presented paper with D. Scozzaro, Phd. at EDUCAUSE Western Regional Conference, San Francisco, CA.
• 2008- Creating Global Communities with Web 2.0. Workshop presented at PeaceJam Conference, Los Angeles, CA.
• 2008- Redefining Mastery: The Problem with Post-Process 'Pedagogy' and the Possibilities of Talmud. Paper co-presented Ruby Asis, PhD., at Western Jewish Studies Association conference, Los Angeles, CA.
• 2008- YouTube to MuseTube- Now that we have Web 2.0 tools, how do we use them? Paper presented at Museums and the Web conference. Montreal, Canada.
• 2002- Small Shop, Big Site. Workshop presented at Museums and the Web conference, Boston, MA.
• 2000- Contextual Links and Non-Linear Narrative. Paper presented at Museums and the Web Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
• 1992- The Jewish Cultural Tapestry: an interactive experience through Jewish cultures and communities. Demonstration of prototype interactive computer program about global Jewish communities presented at Center for the Advancement of Jewish Education (CAJE) Conference, Los Angeles, CA.
Select Papers
• 2011- Greenfield, D. Old Theories and New Technologies: Employing geocaching to create authentic, meaningful and relevant learning experience. Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on Education.
• 2010. Greenfield, D., Blue, D., Schoepe, T. Leadership Styles of Educational Non-Profit Institutions. Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on Education.
• 2000. Greenfield, D. Contextual Links and Non-Linear Narrative. Museums and the Web. Paper retrieved from http://www.museumsandtheweb.com/mw2000/papers/greenfield/greenfield.html