Category Archives: Museums
Dispatches from the Hunker Bunker #2: Interesting and fun websites for the quarantined
Over the past three weeks, I’ve gathered some websites that are interesting, engaging, and fun. I’ve assembled a list of some of these sites- taken mostly from the arts, with a few other subjects thrown in for good measure. I’ve … Continue reading
Posted in Art, Collaborative lerarning, Comics, David Greenfield Dissertation, Education, Graphic Medicine, Graphic Novels, Learning, multiple intelligences, Museums, Peace, Science, Social Justice, Uncategorized
Tagged quarantine
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Some reflections on graduation
On Saturday, May 20th I completed an 8 year journey to complete my EdD, and walked with a whole bunch of classmates to receive our hoods. And there were even more students receiving their MAEDs. It was really cool and … Continue reading