Monthly Archives: August 2018
So you want to be an artist?
It has been a rough week so treatises or lectures this week, just some of my art work. Oh yes, besides being an educator, technologist and innovator, I am an artist. Actually, I started out as an artist. Well, I … Continue reading
The long and winding blog
Today I was downtown and bumped into a friend who is an adjunct in education at USC. We had not seen each other in awhile, so after some catch-up, we returned to our ongoing dialogue about education. It seems that … Continue reading
August 6, 1945
Travels with David, or the good neighbor policy in action
I grew up on the east side of Los Angeles, in a town called Montebello, a pretty cool place to grow up. It was primarily a middle-class town, filled with working class people. There were attorneys, carpenters, carpet people, clerks, … Continue reading