Category Archives: Art
Update and Catch Up
It has been a while since I posted here. For the past year and a half I have been exploring other platforms for this blog and without mentioning names or details (except that I was rather disappointed with the results and support). … Continue reading
Dispatches from the Hunker Bunker #3: Sox, comix & education
These are my work-out socks- I am training for Themed Sox Week, a celebration of victory over the sock elves, those little mischief makers who steal and then return single socks. Starting tomorrow I will celebrate with a different theme, … Continue reading
Dispatches from the Hunker Bunker #2: Interesting and fun websites for the quarantined
Over the past three weeks, I’ve gathered some websites that are interesting, engaging, and fun. I’ve assembled a list of some of these sites- taken mostly from the arts, with a few other subjects thrown in for good measure. I’ve … Continue reading
A Sign for the Times
Taken from For the entertainment portion of today’s blog, we begin with an article and video link to Gal Gadot and friends singing a beautiful and haunting version of Imagine Click here to for the link to the article … Continue reading
There and here: Diaspora communities in graphic literature and comix, Part 1
From Wikipedia: “…diaspora is used to refer to the involuntary mass dispersion of a population from its indigenous territories, most notably the Jews who were dispersed from the Land of Israel in antiquity” So I am a member of this … Continue reading
Once upon a time pre-State of Israel, there was Palestine
Funny how things change. The Israeli right is so adamant about the Palestinians not living in a country called Palestine, while at the same time denying that the country ever existed. Yet, guess what the country was called Palestine, way … Continue reading
The search for super heroes at LB ComicCon
As I recently walked in to Long Beach Comic Con, I contemplated my tradition of identifying and searching for one specific thing. When I saw my first SpiderMan, I knew that I wanted to look for super heroes. Not the … Continue reading
So you want to be an artist?
It has been a rough week so treatises or lectures this week, just some of my art work. Oh yes, besides being an educator, technologist and innovator, I am an artist. Actually, I started out as an artist. Well, I … Continue reading