Category Archives: Palestine
There and here: Diaspora communities in graphic literature and comix, Part II
One of the first examples of a graphic narrative about an immigrant’s experience is literature is The Four Immigrants Manga (1931), written and illustrated by Henry Kiyama, 1885-1951). The book went out of print and was lost until it was translated … Continue reading
There and here: Diaspora communities in graphic literature and comix, Part 1
From Wikipedia: “…diaspora is used to refer to the involuntary mass dispersion of a population from its indigenous territories, most notably the Jews who were dispersed from the Land of Israel in antiquity” So I am a member of this … Continue reading
Once upon a time pre-State of Israel, there was Palestine
Funny how things change. The Israeli right is so adamant about the Palestinians not living in a country called Palestine, while at the same time denying that the country ever existed. Yet, guess what the country was called Palestine, way … Continue reading